Sunday, July 10, 2011

Natural Hair...How do your take care of yours?

Please share your ideas and techniques you use to care for your natural hair.


  1. When it's super-short: wash daily (I like to alternate between tea tree and something for dry hair), condition, shine/gloss.

    When I'm transitioning out of my relaxer (I'm thinking it about it now -- no BC) or stretching (like now), it's wash weekly, deep condition w/UBH Conditioner (​ProductOrdering.html), airdry, flat iron with Silk Elements heat protectant. Moisturize with glycerin and rosewater spritz. Moisture is key!

  2. I agree that moisture is key. I am going to try the glycerin and rosewater. Where do you purchase rosewater? I have not heard of this before.
