Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Natural Hair....Is it a love/ hate relationship?

As I sit here thinking about how important our hair is to us, I can not help but think about how I really feel at times about mine. I have been natural for 2 1/2 years, and I must say that there were days when I wanted to drive my car to Wal-mart and go inside to buy a relaxer. I have done that two times before! I regretted it. This is my third time being natural, and I have had those thoughts resurface during the course of these 2 years. Recently, last week, I had just finished co-washing my hair and notice that it was dry. When I say dry, I mean VERY DRY!

I noticed that my ends were dry and hard. Being a licensed cosmetologist since 1994, I am glad that I do know how to trim the ends of my own hair. I stood there in frustration after seeing my hair. In some spots I noticed that hair has come out and in other spots, I noticed different lengths. A person can not tell just by looking at it. By no stretch of the imagination am I bald. So, I chose to trim some of the ends off and to my surprise it did get better, but not for long!

See, I use a lot of gel because I like how it defines my natural curls. I believe that is what is making my hair dry. As I combed through my hair, the frustration grew! I decided to text a friend that has been natural for all of three months. She encouraged me not to go back to "the white crack". I am happy to report that I did not go back. In order for me to continue to keep the love I have for my hair, I created a cute up do, I did not think so at the time. I went to a natural hair event, This Hair of Mine, and received compliments on my style. One person, Soul Sistah, said,"Others don't perceive us as we perceive us." "Your hair is cute!" "Don't go back because you have so many options with your natural hair." After speaking with both ladies, gave me the extra dose of encouragement I needed.

Moral of Story: As naturals, we will all have "love/hate" experiences as we grow in understanding our natural hair.

Please see pics below!
*Blessings to you!

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Side View

Back View

1 comment:

  1. Your listing are progressing with days dungeon it up guys.
    Welcome to Ansaf 10
